


Tenemos el placer de compartir con vosotros el Comunicado oficial que resume la filosofía de la Coyote Skate School. Publicado hoy en el blog de la escuela: The Flow

Sometimes we people are so much into material things, living a life that is not our but the reflection of the messages imposed by marketing, branding and opinions of others. When I traced the map for the Coyote Skate School I had so clear that our school had to be something different. Something out from the traditional marketing techniques and branding, mainly because we are not a brand but an Ateneo made from people to people, from skaters to skaters.

This is why we have not a uniform, we don’t sell t-shirts and we don’t care about being considered “cool” or “hardcore skateboarders”. The only thing we care about is to make our kids happy. We want to share with them, and with you, all those things we feel when skateboarding or surfing. And for us the only way to reach this point is being ourselves. Being absolutely free.

We rather prefer the imperfection of the streets, or the cracks and potholes of the Parco Lambro Skatepark than the finest indoor skateboard facilities, because we consider skateboarding as something coming from the people and not from brands and companies. Skateboarding honest and real.

Skateboard in about joy but also about falling and tasting this kind of pain that makes you know you are alive. You will feel it and you will love it as we love the feeling of the spring’s sun over our heads and the taste and smell of the winter in the Park.

At this point we can proudly say that we are not part of the “Skateboarding Industry” and we don’t want to be part of it. We just wanna skateboarding and transmit our values and way of live to the next generation.

Keep it simple, keep life rolling!!!!

Coyote Painting Walls

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